here he is HZ .
Sunday, December 11, 2011 @
How should i start this ...? Lol back to start mode okay . 1st semester of my course been over , second semester , what else coming 2012 coming , what else Christmas coming like what hohoho ?! chinese new year .., NEW year ..did i missed one thing ?? guess no .i always carried it with me , is OUR annivessary 1year , we've been known for 1year plus , yes we've been in love for almost years . But am i your choice now ?? don't misund this question , am i the one you need the most in your life , now or future or whenever , i hope you are mine , but look at me what i did at the mall today .

Things seems fine , we've been crazy around the mall from 1st floor to 4th floor any where , most exited was WE , hitting each another , scolding another like the another couple never been that ..we was like OVER LOVING part as always 1st . Worst part was i am still a sensitive jealously guys , this time this moment i don't know what i feel was , i don't understand . Things wont like that , after i saw it , is that action nessassary or was me too sensitive , i thought i wont jealous , but i still . means what ? means i still care about this relationship , hell yes i am , but if had to be challenging am i still care about this relationship , by using this way , wtf ?

So thats why i asked , am i you choice .
The guy just wont wipe the tear for you when you tear
The guy wont say sorry on what he did
The guy wont give a huggies after what he did
The guy wont give her a chance for explaining
The guy still the same
The guy is ME .

it's was him
Welcome , to hz bloggies :) . I'm just sharing my own feeling here , cause it's free to share :) , VTC.

Hey there , i'm hoongzhan 17's normal me nothin' special,not handsome as LEE HOM a guys with TONS of wishlist to doPLAN PLAN PLANS !
Coming soon to CRAZY ;D ?
dancin'.bro's.guitar.bmx.chefMcVt LOL


Boo | chenhong | colin | Emun | Eleena | Irwin | Jiajone | Johnlee | Raeymie | seeMUI | Tekyi | weiwen | tommy | karchuan | valeria | Denise | Ben | Kahhoe | Jason | TeckYin |

Historical Moment
July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 December 2011

.fourth!Romance is the designer.
Inspiration from Exuvalia and mintypeach. Photobucket